Pereira: “In ALMs meetings, where everyone complains about garbage issues in
their neighbourhood, I say I do not have any problems. When they ask me why, I
tell them about the compost system. I do not need to wait every day for the BMC
truck to take away my garbage. You come and see, I tell them.”
D’Souza: “We have appointed a helper to collect wet garbage from all the flats
in the building and deposit it in the tumblers installed in the garden. He
gives me updates of residents who do not segregate it and I personally meet
them and request them to. Everyone sees that the system works, so no one poses
any objections.”
Rego: “These boards are important to spread awareness about the cause. When
members of non-practicing societies see it, they want to find out more and
approach us. We constantly monitor societies and buildings that follow
composting as a regular practice. There are a few who put up the board, but do
not practice composting. In such cases we cannot mollycoddle them, they have to
be equally involved in the process.”
Kulkarni: “The BMC has set up a rule where they will fine buildings that do not
segregate their garbage. I think it is time they take this seriously; it is the
only way people will take garbage separation and composting seriously. They
spend a big chunk of money in transporting waste to landfills. This system of
composting will take the load off them, if everyone follows a two-bin policy,
segregating their wet and dry waste. In the past year, a few households,
societies, schools, and institutions in Bandra have not had the need to use the
daily BMC garbage trucks. This is a good sign.”
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