Precisely a month from today
– on 5th June – we will be celebrating World Environment Day (WED).
Undeniably, WED is the most prominent global environmental event celebrated
annually. The theme for WED 2013 is ‘Think.Eat.Save.’ This theme seeks to turn
the spotlight on food wastage, which is estimated to be approximately 1.3
billion tonnes a year. Further, ‘Think.Eat.Save.’ is also an invitation to
reflect on the environmental impact of the food choices we make.

Considering these upcoming
food and farming focused events, our starting work on a ‘Terrace Farm’ at
Matunga this morning, seems to be a step in the right direction. Led by the
ever enthusiastic Preeti Patil, of Urban Leaves fame, some two dozen volunteers
occupied the morning with laying out bricks, creating beds, filling drums with
compost and compostables, planting saplings, fighting the heat, teasing one
another, and generally having an enjoyable time!
So do these ‘urban farms’
actually produce ‘food’ or are they mere showpieces? Well, they certainly do
hand you a crunchy salad or a bowl of fresh fruit periodically, but I doubt
they would keep your kitchen going for 365 days of the year.
So what purpose do they really
serve then?
In a city like Mumbai, having
a farm on your own terrace, which affords you the opportunity to play around in
the soil, to plant and transplant and replant, to watch the seedlings mature
into handsome young trees, to smile at the ripening fruit and scream at the
crows who lustily devour them... is the ultimate de-stressor. To be able to
soak our lives – which have literally turned grey with the soot and the scourge
of the city – in our own green pools, well, what could be more rejuvenating?
But beyond being a leafy spa,
this enterprise has a further value. And that, I believe, is its real value.
messing around with mulch and manure is not only about cultivating food – it’s
about cultivating attitudes. Green attitudes. Green culture. Someone who soaks
his hands into the soil, or spends hours pottering around her plants, is eventually
bound to get interested and involved in all things environmental. So, clearly, this
venture is not just about growing green vegetables, it’s about growing green
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